If you are asked to Quarantine, stay home, separate yourself from others, monitor your health, and follow directions from the state or local health department. Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 How do I Self-Quarantine:
Identify a single location where you can spend the next 14 days. Select a home with the least number of household members who may have ongoing health issues. You should have a room that you can be separated from the rest of the household.
If you must be around household members, keep your 6-foot separation between you and them and wear a face cloth covering.
Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer which has at least 60% alcohol.
Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily such as doorknobs, tabletops and electronics.
Eat your meals in a separate room or maintain a physical separation of 6 feet between you and any household member.
Do not share drinking and eating utensils and ensure they are properly washed after each use with soap and water.
If you must share a restroom with other household members, do not store your toothbrush in the restroom. Wear your mask when in the restroom and clean and disinfect surfaces between use.
Wash and dry your clothes using the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Restrict those you encounter, do not encourage others to visit while you are in self-quarantine.
Stay home. If the household needs groceries from the store, send only one member who will wear a face covering. When that member comes back, he/she should wash their hands, and wear a face cloth covering before entering the home.
Stay put, do not leave the house for the 14 days to protect those around you.
Make sure to follow the Local Health Authority guidance. If you start showing symptoms such as high fever, cough, nausea diarrhea, and loss of taste or smell, contact the COVID-19 Hotline number 406-638-3527 for guidance. For further guidance visit: WHEN TO QUARANTINE