If you need emergency medical care, please come to the Crow/Northern Cheyenne Indian Hospital emergency department for treatment. They will test you for COVID-19 if you have symptoms of COVID- 19. Please call the ER before arriving and let them know you suspect you have COVID-19 (406-638-3424).
For non-emergency COVID-19 testing, please park in the dental parking lot and call the COVID-19 hotline number (406-638-3527) for a COVID-19 test from Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
If a public health nurse contacted you because you had close contact with a person who tested positive, they will provide you instructions on when to come in for testing (at least 5 days after your last exposure). Do not come before your appointed tested day as this may result in an inaccurate test. Drive-thru testing for close contacts is conducted at the Crow/Northern Cheyenne Indian Hospital Monday – Friday from 9 am – 10 am.
What to do while waiting for your COVID-19 test results. Stay home and monitor your health. Stay home and monitor your health to help protect your friends, family, and others from possibly getting COVID-19 from you. It is important to self-quarantine and not be around others while you wait for your results. Here are some strategies to manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home.
Think about the people you have recently been around. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, a public health nurse will call you to check on your health, discuss who you have been around, and ask where you spent time during the period you may have been able to spread COVID-19 to others. While you wait for your COVID-19 test result, think about everyone you have been around recently. This will be important information to give health workers if your test is positive.
Answer the phone call from public health nursing. If a public health worker calls you, answer the call to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in your community.
I tested positive for COVID-19, what next? If you get a positive result, that means you are infected with COVID-19. A public health nurse will contact you with your results and provide instructions on how to isolate and manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home.
I tested negative for COVID-19, what next? If your COVID-19 test is negative, you will not receive a call from public health nursing. You will only receive a call from public health nursing if your test is positive. If you have not received your test results within 3 days, you can call public health nursing at 406-638-3478 for an update.
If you test negative, you probably were not infected at the time your sample was collected. The test result only means that you did not have COVID-19 at the time of testing. It does not mean you cannot get infected or test positive later. You should continue to take steps to protect yourself and others. If you have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, a negative test result does NOT mean you can stop quarantining. Please continue to follow the instructions provided to you by public health nursing and quarantine until a public health nurse tells you that your quarantine is complete.